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The following links connect you directly to the journal's site. The list
is in alphabetical order. Please check the entry. If any of the links does not
function or the url has changed, please let us know. If your favorite journal is not on the list, please
send us an e-mail
with the journal's name and url. Thank you.
Applied Rheology
Hemorheology and Microcirculation
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Journal of Rheology
Rheology Reviews
Soft Matter
The following books on rheology topics are listed
according to their publication date. Hydan Technologies, Inc. does not recommend
or endorse any specific book. Please check ahead of time that the book is indeed
the right book for your needs. If your favorite book is not on the list or if
you find a mistake, please
send us an e-mail
with the book's details and we will modify our list. Thank you.
- Hansen Solubility Parameters, 2nd Edition,
Charles M. Hansen, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2007)
- Handbook of Nanoscience Engineering and
Technology, William A. Goddard III, Donald W. Brenner, Sergey Edward
Lyshevsky and Gerald J. Iafrate, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2007)
- Structure and Rheology of Molten Polymers, John
M. Dealy and Ronald G. Larson, Hanser Publishers, Munich, Germany (2006)
- Bioprocessing Pipelines: Rheology and Analysis,
James F. Steffe and Christopher R. Daubert, Freeman Press, East
Lansing, MI (2006)
- Finely Dispersed Particles - Micro-, Nano- and Atto-Engineering,
Alexander Spasic and Jyh-Ping Hsu, Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL
- Rheology: Concepts, Methods and Applications,
Alexander Ya. Malkin and Avraam I. Isayev, William Andrew, ChemTec
Publishing, Norwich, NY (2005)
- Viscosity, H.A. Barnes, The University of Wales Institute of
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Aberystwyth (2002) ISBN 0-9538032-2-8
- Cheese Rheology and Texture, Sundaram Gunasekaran and M. Mehmet Ak, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Fl (2002)
- Paint and Coating Testing Manual - Gardner-Sward Handbook, 14th Edition,
Joseph V. Koleske, Editor, ASTM International
- The Rheology Handbook, Thomas G. Mezger, Vincent Verlag, Hannover,
Germany (2002)
- Understanding Rheology, Faith A. Morrison, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, UK (2001)
- Handbook of Elementary Rheology, H.A. Barnes, The University of
Wales Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Aberystwyth (2000) ISBN
- Engineering Rheology, R.I. Tanner, Oxford University Press, NY
- Rheology for Chemists, J. Goodwin, R. W.
Hughes, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK (2000)
- Rheology of Filled Polymer Systems, A.V.
Shenoy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1999)
- Dispersions - Characterization, Testing and Measurement - Surfactant
Science Series/84, E. Kissa, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY (1999)
- Rheology: An Historical Perspective, R.I.
Tanner, K. Walters, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1998)
- The Structure and Rheology of Complex
Ronald G. Larson,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (1998)
- Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity, R.R.
Huilgol, N. Phan-Thien, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1997)
- Rheology of Polymeric Systems:
Principles and Applications,
Pierre J. Carreau,
Daniel C. R. De Kee,
Raj P. Chhabra,
Hanser Gardner
Publications (1997)
- Polymer Melt rheology: A Guide for Industrial Practice,
3rd. Ed., F.N. Cogswell, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.,
Cambridge, UK (1996)
- Rheology for Polymer Melt Processing, J.M. Piau, F. Agassant,
Eds., Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Analytical Polymer Rheology: Structure-Processing-Property
Relationship, Charles L. Rohn, Hanser/Gardner Publications, Cincinnati,
OH (1995)
- Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering, James F. Steffe,
Freeman Press, East Lansing, MI (1996) Download free copy:
- Rheology : Principles, Measurements,
and Applications,
Ch. W. Macosko,
Wiley-VCH, New York, NY (1994)
- Structure and Flow in Surfactant Solutions, ACS
Symposium Series 578, C. Herb, R.K. Prud'homme, Eds., ACS, Washington DC
- Rheological Properties of Cosmetics and
Toiletries, D. Laba, Ed., Marcel Dekker, NY (1993)
- Rheological Phenomena in Focus, D.V. Boger, K.
Walters, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1993)
- An Introduction to Polymer Rheology and
Processing, N.P. Chremisinoff, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1992)
- Applied Fluid Rheology, J. Ferguson, Z.
Kemblowski, Elsevier Applied Science,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1991)
- Polymers as Rheology Modifiers, ACS Symposium
Series 462, D.N. Schulz, J.E. Glass, ACS, Washington DC (1991)
- Melt Rheology and its Role in Plastics Processing,
J. Dealy, K Wissbrun, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, NY (1990)
- An Introduction to Rheology, H.
A. Barnes,
J. F. Hutton,
K. Walters, Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1989)
- Engineering Rheology, R.I. Tanner, Oxford
University Press, NY (1988)
- Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd. Ed.,
J.D. Ferry, Wiley, NY (1980)
- Rheological Techniques, R. W. Whorlow, Ellis
Horwood (Wiley), London (1980)
- Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion, T.C.
Patton, Wiley Interscience, NY (1979)
- Polymer Rheology, L. Nielsen, , Marcel
Dekker, NY (1977)
- Rheology and Non-Newtonian Flow, J. Harris,
Longman, London (1977)
- Rheology in Polymer Processing, C.D. Han, Academic Press, New
York (1976)
- Rheometry, K. Walters, Chapman and Hall (1975)
- Industrial Rheology, P. Sherman, Academic
Press, London & NY (1970)
- Viscosity and Flow Measurements, J.R. van Wazer, Wiley
Interscience, NY (1963)
- Rheology: Theory and Applications, Vol. 1 to Vol. 5, F.R. Eirich,
Ed., Academic Press, NY (1956-1970)